Top 5 rare and unusual houseplants

These top 5 rare and unusual houseplants are some of the most coveted houseplants for enthusiasts and collectors. If you can add one of these to your collection, you’ll be the talk of the neighbourhood! There are numerous benefits to growing houseplants, from cleaning the air of toxins to softening the aesthetics of a room. Houseplants are a joy to have and care for, especially these incredible ones that you may just want to add to your home. 

  1. Peperomia Argyreia (Watermelon Peperomia) - as shown above
  2. Philodendron 'Pink Princess'
  3. Monstera deliciosa variegata (Variegated Monstera)
  4. Rhipsalis Heteroclada (Mistletoe Cactus)
  5. Begonia 'Ferox'

Peperomia Argyreia (Watermelon Peperomia)

This Peperomia has attractive oval shaped leaves that look just like watermelon! It’s a really interesting plant to look at and a good air purifier as well. It’s non toxic for pets which is something to consider when buying houseplants, easy to look after and can be propagated easily for more free plants. 

Philodendron 'Pink Princess'

This is such a striking plant! The dark green leaves are variegated with bubble gum pink, making this a really special plant to add to your collection. It likes a spot in bright, indirect light, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged. Mist to add humidity around the plant. 

Monstera deliciosa variegata

Perhaps the most well known of all the rare houseplants thanks to the many photos on social media. The variegation means white is mixed in with the green and it looks stunning. They need bright, indirect light and most but not overwatered soil that has good drainage. A warm room and humidity will help to keep this beauty thriving. 

Monstera deliciosa variegata

Crassula ovata 'Gollum'

A lovely succulent, this plant is very low maintenance, so ideal for a newbie plant collector! This is a more compact version of the traditional jade plant. Succulents store water so don't need to be watered as frequently as some other leafier houseplants. They like a nice bright spot, unlike a lot of other houseplants, these do better with some direct sunshine, so a windowsill would be ideal. 


Begonia 'Ferox'

Last but by no means least is this unusual houseplant. This is a Begonia unlike any other! 'Ferox' has spikey leaves which appear to be sharp but in fact are perfectly safe to touch. This would be a fun plant to introduce children to. They like bright, indirect light and plenty of humidity. Best kept in a nice warm room. 

We have plenty of houseplants for you to choose from, so do come and visit us in store.

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