The Mains of Drum

Tasks for June

Now we're into summer, there's always plenty to be keeping busy with in the garden.

Keeping up with the weeding and watering will be two main jobs for the next few months, but there's also pruning, staking and deadheading to be done.
Doing a few little jobs often (each day ideally or every other day) is the best way to keep on top of everything, and will make it more enjoyable and less of a mammoth task.


Deadhead Rhododendrons and Azaleas by snapping off the old flowers. This will give the plant a better appearance, stop seed production and promote more flowers next year. Take care not to damage the new leaf growth.


Prune late-spring or early-summer flowering shrubs after flowering, such as Weigela, Philadelphus and Deutzia, by thinning out up to a third of the older stems.


New stems of climbing and rambling roses can be tied in horizontally to supports to encourage more flowers.


Cut back spring-flowering perennials, such as Pulmonaria, to encourage a fresh flush of foliage and new flowers.


Add plant supports for tall-growing perennials, including Hollyhocks and Delphiniums.


Container displays and hanging baskets will benefit from a liquid feed every week to encourage flowering or use slow release granules which will last the season.

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