The Mains of Drum

Tasks for April

Spring is in full swing, the days are stretching, but don't be (April) fooled! We can still have some very wintry spells with hard frosts, so although it can be tempting to get summer bedding out it's best to either keep it somewhere protected from frost for now or if you don't have anywhere to store it, wait until next month before you purchase for your summer displays.

However that's not to say there aren't plenty of other jobs to be done in the garden at the moment, and there's plenty to enjoy!


New shoots of Hostas, Delphiniums, Lupins and other vulnerable plants need protection from slugs and snails.


Deadhead spring bulbs so they do not waste energy setting seed. Do not cut the leaves off for at least six weeks after the last flowers as this feeds the bulbs for next year.


New lawns can be sown from seed or turf laid. Make sure you prepare the ground well before hand.


Split herbaceous perennials by dividing and replanting from the outside of the clump. Throw away the older woody inner parts.


Protect the blossoms and buds of early flowering fruit trees with fleece as they are especially vulnerable to frost.


Increase the watering of your houseplants and give a liquid feed once a month from now until September.

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