
The Mains of Drum Cuttings, A Selection of Curated Articles

Lifestyle | Gardening | Recipes | Monthly Tasks | Guides


6 Tips for a Low Maintenance Garden

Do you long for a beautiful garden but don’t have the time to look after it? Gardening doesn’t always have to be hard work. 
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Making Your Own Compost

When making your own compost, there are a few aspects to know to ensure your compost breaks down well and becomes the perfect compost for your plants
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Easy One Bowl Cracknel Recipe

30 September 2024

Cracknel / Cracknell is a favourite at The Mains of Drum. It is delicious and easy to make—the ideal treat for a picnic, lunchbox, or even a traybake for hosting. It can be made in one bowl!

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What To Do With Garden Waste

11 October 2024


This is what to do with garden waste when you are clearing up or clearing out your garden. Throughout the year, there are often times when you might have some garden waste to dispose of or recycle. From times that you create a new garden bed or a new seating area to removing old decking or patios to general weeding, there are always garden projects that may create waste. But it’s what you do with that waste that counts.

The top of the list has to be composting. Producing your own compost is the best and cheapest way to replenish your garden. You could make some wooden compost bins from old pallets and compost a lot of your green and brown waste from your garden. Compost can consist of grass clippings, leaves, plants, annual weeds, cardboard, twigs and even your tea bags from your garden cup of tea.

Many used wooden garden items can be reused in various ways. Logs can be piled up in a corner which will help to attract wildlife to your garden and increase biodiversity, or be made into a path, edge garden borders or used in a fire pit. Old fence panels...

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Top Five Tips To Get Kids Gardening

28 May 2024

These top five tips to get kids gardening will help to encourage kids in your family or friends to get engaged with growing plants. Children are always excited about being in the natural world, feeling awe and curiosity all around. Without fear they will usually climb trees and run bare foot on the lawn and this natural affinity with the garden can keep children entertained for hours as they can also learn how to sow seeds, nurture and watch plants grow and learn where their food comes from and how giant Sunflowers grow. There are some really easy ways to get started and here are our top five.

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